





距離の測り方     How to measure distance

[HK] 2016年10月14日 16:00


なんと二組ともお台場まで歩いて行こうとしていました。  さすがに遠いと思い電車やバス利用を勧め、紙に書いてご案内したのですが、若いカップルは歩けるところまで歩いて行きたいといい、そのまま勝どき橋を渡り真っすぐ進んでいきました。





As I was walking near Kachidoki bride and Tsukiji area, two groups of foreign guests were having trouble finding their way so I volunteered to help.

Surprisingly, both groups were trying to visit Odaiba by walking.    Since it is a long distance to Odaiba, I have recommended them to use subways and buses and wrote down the information for guidance but a young couple wanted to walk until they feel tired and give up so they crossed the bridge and proceeded.    Both groups were polite and appreciated very much but I was amazed to find out that the distance sense of foreign guests does not equal with us Japanese.  

Perhaps the way people feel differs between countries and individuals, but I kept in my mind that considering guests' outfits and moods is necessary for proper guidance.




JRの駅はどこですか?      Where is JR station?

[HK] 2016年9月22日 14:00

銀座4丁目交差点付近(三越前)で外国人から道を尋ねられました。  「JRの駅はどこですか? 成田エクスプレス(NEX)で成田空港第1ターミナルい行きたいのですが」とのご質問でした。自分も山手線で移動するところでしたので、東京駅までご一緒しました。  








At Ginza 4-Chome crossing (Mitsukoshi front), a foreigner came close and asked me where JR station is.   He said " I want to go to JR station and head to Narita International Airport Terminal 1 by Narita Express (NEX)".  I also was on my way to ride Yamanote Line, so I accompanied with him to Tokyo Station. 


Putting aside the difficulty to get to NEX platform in Tokyo Station, a certain idea came up to me all the sudden.  

If there were a direction board showing the bus stop and JR station to airport at a famous spot like Gina 4-chome crossing, it would be so convenient to the foreign guests. 

I believe the information boards in Chuo-ward are alreday sufficiently placed, but if there were more boards focused on foreign guests, wouldn't it be so kind? 


The guest I walked along with came to Japan on a business trip and was on his way back home stopping over at Bangkok and Stockholm.



江戸 東京 八重洲の歴史                          Edo Tokyo Yaesu History

[HK] 2016年9月13日 14:00

見送りで東京駅を訪れた時に地下街で「Edo Tokyo Yaesu History」と書かれたコーナーを見つけました。 


On the way back from Tokyo Station, seeing a friend off, bumping into "Edo Tokyo Yaesu History" pictures' wall display in the underground shopping area was a lucky coincidence.







The place is only few steps from Yaesu underground main avenue turing to Sotobori Chika 1st Street to the North Entrance.


そこには「八重洲」の由来を説明したプレートや絵・写真が壁に飾られています。  江戸時代の城郭都市図も飾られており、興味深いです。   ヤエチカに行かれることがあれば、是非お立ち寄りください。


The display explains origin of the name "Yaesu" with instruction plate and pictures. There also is an old Edo Castle map which would surely interests you. So if you ever have a chance to visit Yaesu underground shopping area, the place is worth stopping over.






晴海の「スタンド・バイ・ミー」橋                        So I call it "Stand by Me" bridge

[HK] 2016年8月12日 09:00


米国の少年達の一夏の冒険を描いたスティーブン・キング原作の映画です。(原題 "The Body")




Do you know a movie titled "Stand by Me"?

It was about a group of boys' adventure which the original title was "The Body", written by Stephen King.

One of the impressive factors in the screen was the railroad bridge, and somehow, a bridge quite similar to the one in the movie can be found in Harumi district, built next to Harumi bridge.

I personally call this bridge "Stand by Me" bridge.








The bridge was operated by cement plant some time ago, but currently unused. 







この橋を見る度に"When the night has come ~"と、主題歌をつい口ずさんでしまいます。




Everytime I glance at the bridge, the lyrics "When the night has come・・・" pops up.

This is the 23rd year after River Phoenix, leading actor of the movie, passed away at the age of 23.

He would be 46 years old if he had not gone away, and would have become a great actor.





エレガントでエレファントな中央区                       Elegant and Elephant !? Chuo-ku!

[HK] 2016年7月20日 14:00


先日ベテランガイドのSさんに浜離宮恩賜庭園をご案内頂き、8代将軍吉宗の時代に遥々ベトナムからやってきた象が飼育されていたお話しを伺いました。 吉宗は普賢菩薩を乗せていたと伝えられている白象にとても興味を持っていたそうです。 象はベトナムから長崎に渡り、日本の気候に順応する為1年間長崎に滞在し、その後70日間かけて江戸まで歩いて移動したそうです。


Fortunately, I had an opportunity to walk around Hamarikyu Garden with a very experienced guide, S-san. Then I learned that there used to be an elephant kept in the garden during the 8th Shogun, Yoshimune's regime. It is told that Yoshimune was very much interested in white elephant, which was told to be ridden by Fugen Bosatsu (Buddhist saint). The real elephant came from Vietnam, stopping over in Nagasaki an year for weather adjustment, and came to Edo by walking. It took 70 days to arrive. CIMG1629.JPG 


I myself am also an elephant lover! So, I decided to walk around the city looking for elephants.



<新川 越前堀児童公園の象>

新川の越前堀児童公園に行くと親子象に会えます。 夏は親象の鼻から噴水のように水が噴き出し、子供たちの水遊びを盛り上げます。  リアルな母象に対しシンプルな子象がとても愛らしいです。  公園は越前福井藩主、松平越前守の屋敷跡にあります。


If you visit Echizenbori Park, you can encounter an elephant family. During the summer, water spurts from parent elephant's nose like a fountain and excites children. Unlike realitically made parent, a child elephant is built so simple but it is adorable. The park is made on the ground where use to be the house site of Echizen Matsudaira clan.




<日本橋 高島屋の象> 

あまりにも有名ですが日本橋高島屋の屋上の従業員用エレベータ室です。  昔屋上で象の高子ちゃんを飼育していた名残で象をイメージして作られています。   撮影日は屋上工事中の為、部分的に隠れていますが、象のシルエットは確認できました。


Very popular spot ! An elevator facility room on the roof of Nihonbashi Takashimaya department store. Takashimaya used to keep an elephant named "Takako" on the roof, and as a memory, this elevator room was designed with an image of an elephant. Unfortunately, the roof was under construction on the date photo was taken but still, one can identify the elephant silhouette.



<銀座 デリリウムカフェの象> 

銀座のデリリウムカフェのピンクの象の看板も可愛いです。  こちらは何種類ものベルギービールが飲めるカフェ。ランチもやってます。(銀座 三原小路角)


Signboard of Cafe in Ginza is also sweet. A pink elephant! This cafe offers varieties of Belgium and nice meal during lunch time.




<銀座 ドーバーストリートマーケットの象> 

そして銀座6丁目のドーバーストリートマーケット1階のエレファントスペース。  こちらはファッションビルですが、なぜか季節毎に象をブランドで装飾するエレファントスペースがあります。  おしゃれですが、歩いているといきなり現れるので、少し驚きます。


Do you know there is a spot so called "Elepaht Space" in Ginza? It is on the first floor of Dover Street Market Ginza. This whole facility is exclusively stylish and Elephant Space decoration changes seasonally. Below are the pictures taken in early July.




It was like this in spring.




<おまけ マロニエゲートの象>

最後にマロニエゲートの飲食店前にこんな可愛いディスプレイがありました。  まだまだ沢山象スポットがあるとは思いますが、とりあえず今回はこれで終了。


I believe there are many other wonderful displays and facilities, but this is it for this time. Cute yellow elephant was displayed at the restaurant floor of Marronnier Gate in Ginza.






Lastly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to S-san, who shared her valuable knowledge with me at Hamarikyu Garden, and O-san, who joined our tour.



今年の月島草市は7月9日(土)と10日(日)です!            Tsukishima Kusaichi Market - Coming this July 9th and 10th!

[HK] 2016年6月20日 14:00

かつてお盆が近づくと焙烙、おがら、ホウズキなどお盆用品を売る市がたち、それが草市の始まりでした。 今では地元商店街の加盟店により100以上の店がたち、各地の物産も月島に集結し、子供から大人まで楽しめる草市となりました。


In the old days, when people began to prepare for a three day Obon Holiday (Buddhist holiday which is told that the soul of the ancestors return to their family), quipments to decorate and greet the souls at home were sold at the temporary Kusaichi Market.  Now, Tsukishima Kusaichi Market has become a festive event which does not only sell ritual goods. Over a hundred of delightful booths selling varieties of goods are prepared by the member stores during the period, and everyone from adults to children enjoy the event.



今年の開催は7月9日(土)と10日(日)の14:00~20:30、初日の9日の13:00からは佃中学校 月島太鼓部によるオープニングイベントがあります。


昨年の来場者は約32,000人とか、きっと今年も大勢いらっしゃることでしょう。 今から楽しみです。


This year, Tsukishima Kusaichi Market is scheduled on July 9th and 10th from 2:00pm to 8:30pm. On the first day of July 9th, there will be a drum performance by Tsukuda Junior High School students from 1pm.  Currently, the booth arrangers are preparing and training for the safety and organized operation during the event including lost child care.

Last year, nearly 32,000 people visited the event and maybe this year more.

So, why don't you come and join!


(過去画像) past record