





秋のお昼のアコースティックライブ@KayGee's  / Autumn Lunch Time Acoustic Live at KayGee's

[HK] 2017年10月30日 14:00





ボーカルはジャズ、ボサノバ、ポップス等何でも歌いこなしてしまう山村いつかさん、ギターはセッション、レコーディング、ライブ活動の傍らでギター教室を開き、ギターを愛してやまない進藤洋樹さん。 この二人のライブを以前丸の内の某カフェにて聴いた事があるのですが、本当に心地よいアコースティックサウンドが体に沁みわたり、心が解きほぐされるような素敵な時間が過ごせます。  

Kaygee's のランチまで付いて4,700円税込(ランチ/ワンドリンク付)はかなりお得、席数も最大で30名までなので、丁度良いサイズです。 



日時: 2017年11月18日(土) ランチスタート 13:00 / 開演 14:00 

料金: 4,700円税込(ミュージックチャージ/ランチ/ワンドリンク付) 

問合せ・予約: KayGee's 03-5542-0335 (日・祝定休) 

URL: https://kaygees.jimdo.com/







Yes, I have been waiting for this, Cafe Bar "Kaygee's" in Shinkawa is scheduling Lunch Time Acoustic Live Event.  

Since this will be held during daytime with lunch, I am willing to go with my friend because almost every past live event were held at night which was difficult for me to join.   


Vocalist Itsuka Yamamura can really sing. Her repertories are Jazz, Bosa Nova, Pops, etc, she can sing almost anything. You just can't help feeling happy listening to Gutarist Hiroki Shido's performance since he is so much devoted to guitar. He is also a busy man doing session with artists, recording, his own live, and even guitar lesson class. 
I once saw their performance at cafe in Marunouchi. They enthralled everyone with their smooth acoustic sound, that soaked into everyones' body and soul, making everyone soft and relaxed.

Charge is JPY4,700 per person including tax, lunch and one drink which is quite reasonable. The place is cozy and pleasant with 30 seats which is just the right size for acoustic live performance.  


<Further Details>

Date: November 18, 2017 (Sat. ) Open 13:00 / Performance Start 14:00 

Charge: JPY4,700 (tax, music charge, lunch, one drink included) 

Reservations: KayGee's tel: 03-5542-0335 (Closed on Sundays and Holidays) 

URL: https://kaygees.jimdo.com/


