One of the most famous and established Japanese confectionery is Kawarasenbei made and sold at Ningyocho Kameido. The head store is located along Amazake Yokocho Street.

実は瓦煎餅は好物ではありませんでした。 ところが人形町亀井堂さんの瓦煎餅を頂いてからはその概念は覆されました。今まで食べてきたものは何だったのだろう?なぜこんなに違うのだろう?素朴な疑問をずうずうしくも社長の佐々木さんにぶつけてみたところ、満面の笑みを浮かべて答えて下さいました。
「うちは創業来の製法を頑なに守っています。 砂糖、小麦粉、卵、蜂蜜以外の材料は使いません。 また保存料は一切使用せず、3日を過ぎた袋入り人形焼は店頭から外します。」と、きっぱりとおっしゃいました。 伝統を守り品質管理を徹底することが美味しさの秘訣のようでした。 暖簾を守るとはこういうことなのでしょうね。
For long time, Kawarasenbei, which is the nomenclature of the traditional japanese bisquit, was not one of my favorite sweets, but after I have experienced Kameido's delicacy, my whole image of this bisquit have changed. What have I been eating before? Why is this so good and special?
Mr. Kenji Sasaki, the president of the company gave me an answer distinctly and that is;
"We have not changed the recipe ever since company's foundation. We only use sugar, flour, egg, and honey. No preservative included and no display if the product (packed ningyoyaki) is over 3 days."
So, traditional recipe and strict quality control may be the key points.

明治6年、神戸元町に創業した亀井堂総本店より、昭和4年、江戸初期から東京に在住する旧家、人形町佐々木家嫡流にのれん分けのかたちで任されたのが、初代人形町亀井堂のご主人 佐々木顯發(ささき げんぱつ)さん。 京橋の親柱の橋名を揮毫した佐々木支陰の孫にあたります。
The first Kameido store, famous for its product Kawarasenbei, had started its business in Kobe in 1874. In 1927, Mr. Sasaki's grandfather Genpatsu Sasaki was given privilege to use the name "Kameido" and start a business of his own in Tokyo after many years of training.
Genpatsu's grandfather was Shiin Sasaki who is famous for the calligraphy of the Kyobashi bridge pillar.
Genpatsu's great grandfather, Shinanonokami Akinobu who was great grandfather of Genpatsu was high ranked magistrate during Edo era.
人形町亀井堂 初代店主 佐々木顯發(げんぱつ)の曾祖父にあたります。
Shinanonokami Akinobu
During Edo era, Akinobu was high ranked magistrate bugyo in charge of finance, law, and foreign affairs. His management competence is known through Rakuko (Japanese comic story), "Sasaki Seidan (political talk)". He was honored by Emperor as Shinannookami. The written imperial order can be seen at Ningyocho Kamiedo.
Akinobu is the great grandfather of the founder of Ningyocho Kameido, Genpatsu Sasaki.

信濃守顯發の長男であり漢学者で詩人。 揮毫した「京橋」の親柱は今も「京橋碑」として銀座中央通りに風格を与え、中央区の区民有形文化財に指定されています。
Shiin Sasaki
The firstborn son of Akinobu who was scholar and poet. The name of the Kyobashi bridge engraved on the pillar of the bridge which is registered as tangible cultural asset of the city of Chuo-ku, had been written by Shiin.
Shiin is the grandfather of the founder of Ningyocho Kamiedo, Genpatsu Sasaki.

人形町亀井堂の初代店主。 士族の出でありながら幼い頃から奉公に出て、幕府互解後の混乱、大正の大震災、昭和の大戦など激動の時代をその機知と才覚で駆け抜け成功をおさめた快男児。 神戸の亀井堂総本家の創業者や上野亀井堂の主人に認められ、一店を任されます。 「~亀井堂ものがたり~ 東京下町噺」は、顯發の三男 佐々木雅發が父親から聞き取りまとめた記録文書で、当時の街並みや明治後半から昭和の高度経済成長期迄の史実が詳細に記述されており、歴史本としても楽しめる書物です。
Genpatsu Sasaki
The founder of Ningyocho Kameido. Though born in noble family, Genpatsu had to make a living after the great reform of the government. He had gone through the confusion of Meiji era, survived the great earthquake of Taisho era, and lived through the World War of Showa era, and won his success with his wit and talent. After years of training, he was given privilege to use the name "Kameido" and start his own business in Tokyo. Genpatsu's biography "Kameido Story" written by his third son can also be enjoyed as a history book which also writes about the culture and historical events from Meiji to Showa.
Genpatsu is the grandfather of Mr. Kenji Sasaki, now president of the company.

人形町亀井堂さんの瓦煎餅、人形焼きは本店ビル3階と6階で作られており、いつでも出来立てを買うことができます。 そして瓦煎餅は軽くて持ち運びが便利なうえ常温で3ヵ月保存がきくので、季節問わず贈答品として重宝されています。 瓦煎餅は2~3枚ずつ小分けに包装されているので、湿気の心配もありません。 また、社長のアイディアから生まれた国産のピーナッツを使った柿ピーは大好評で、まとめ買いをする顧客もいるそうです。 品質維持のため量産されていないので、なるべく早い時間帯に買いに行くことをお勧めします。
Kawarasenbei (japanese bisquit) and Ningyoyaki (sponge cake filled with red bean paste) are freshly made at the upper floor of the store. Kawarasenbei is made without any perservative, neverthelesss keeps at least for two months. It is wrapped in a small portion to avoid moist. Since Kawarasenbei is so light to carry, many people buy them for souvenirs.
The current popular selling line is Kakipea (peanuts and spicy rice crackers mix) using peanut only made in Japan, which came through the idea of Mr. Sasaki. Since it is so crispy and good, some customers buy them in bulk. To keep the good quality of the product, Kakipea is not produced in large quantitiesass, so if you buy them, visiting the store in early hours is recommended.

Varieties of products are displayed, but you can have an appropriate advice at the store.

Quote from "Kameido Story"
またこの頃、谷崎潤一郎と松子夫人が買い物に来た。 黒いインバネスを羽織った谷崎は店の中には入らず歩道の端に立って店の看板を見上げたり、時々店の仲を覗くように見たりしていたが、松子夫人は親しく店の奥まで入り、いろいろと話したりしていた。
In these days, *Junichiro Tanizaki visited the store with his wife Matsuko. He wore black inverness coat, did not get in to the store but stood at the edge of the sidewalk, looking up at the signboard, sometimes peeking inside. Matsuko walked in and chatted with the shopkeeper.
*Junichiro Tanizaki: Japanese author, one of the major writers of modern Japanese literature.
Did Tanizaki and his wife tasted the sweets at home or did they brought it to someone as a souveniour? Kawarasenbei that you can have now tastes as same as their time.
Thank you very much Mr. Sasaki!
A great appreciation for the great story.